Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking
Chapter 19
- Basic filter effects
- Drop shadows and alpha channels
- Color filter effects
- Brightness, contrast, and saturation filter effects
- SVG filter effects
- Simple alpha channel blending
- Darken, lighten, difference, and exclusion blending
- Multiply, screen, and overlay blending
- Hard- and soft-light blending
- Color dodge and burn blending
- Hue, saturation, luminosity, and color blending
- Three backgrounds blended together
- Blending with color versus transparency
- Blending elements with their backdrops
- Blending in isolation, and not
- Clipped and unclipped paragraphs
- Various clip shapes
- Various clipping boxes
- Fitting an elliptical clip shape to various boxes
- An image clipped with a scaling SVG clip path
- The two shape-filling options
- A simple image mask
- A variety of image masks
- List items, masked and unmasked
- Alpha and luminance mask modes
- Sizing masks
- Repeating masks
- Positioning masks
- Changing the origin box
- Clipping the mask
- Compositing operations
- Subtracted masks
- Compositing masks
- Two masks
- Four kinds of object fitting
- Various scale-down scenarios
- A variety of object positions
- Positioning a covered object