
Chapter 18

Figures & Code Examples

  1. Weird animation names work
  2. Keywords as animation names are a bad idea
  3. The W animation
  4. No 0% or 100% keyframes
  5. Without a midpoint, auto doesn’t animate well
  6. Setting/omitting initial values and 0%
  7. Animation API
  8. Unfortunate animation names
  9. Keywords as animation names are a bad idea (redux)
  10. No 0% or 100% keyframes (redux)
  11. Visualizing background color changes over time
  12. animation-duration with invalid value
  13. Using fractional duration values
  14. Basic bouncing ball
  15. Partial animation
  16. Bouncing ball animation with negative animation delay
  17. Animation events
  18. Animation events, again
  19. Animation chaining
  20. Animation following and animation
  21. Animation chaining with Javascript
  22. Animation iteration delay with Javascript
  23. Animation iteration delay
  24. Animation iteration delay
  25. Animation iteration delay
  26. Animation iteration delay
  27. Animation iteration delay (redux)
  28. Cubic Bézier named functions
  29. An outlandish Bézier curve
  30. Effect of outlandish Bézier curve
  31. Representation of a cubic Bézier curve
  32. Better bouncing ball animation
  33. Sprite of dancing
  34. Steps timing function, Gangam style
  35. Visualizing start and end change points
  36. Steps timing function with translate transforms
  37. Changing the animation timing function mid-animation
  38. Representation of another cubic Bézier curve
  39. Bodacious bouncing ball animation
  40. Interactive bouncing ball animation
  41. Partial iteration with fill-mode
  42. Partial iteration with fill-mode, again
  43. A snowflake
  44. Running animations take precedence
  45. Last declared anaimation takes precedence
  46. A snowflake with animation starts and stops