Text Properties
Chapter 6
- Text indenting
- A floated image and negative text indenting
- Text indenting with percentages
- Inherited text indenting
- Selected behaviors of the text-align property
- Left, right, and center in vertical writing modes
- Start and end alignment
- Justified text
- Differently aligned last lines
- Line box diagram
- Simple calculations with the line-height property
- Small line-height, large font-size, slight problem
- Using line-height factors to overcome inheritance problems
- Baseline alignment of an image
- Superscript and subscript alignment
- Bottom alignment
- Text-bottom alignment
- Aligning with the top and text-top of a line
- Precise detail of middle alignment
- Percentages and fun effects
- Vertical alignments can cause lines to get taller
- Changing the space between words
- Really wide word spacing
- Various kinds of letter spacing
- Using letter-spacing to increase emphasis
- Inherited letter spacing
- Various kinds of text transformation
- Transforming an h1 element
- Various kinds of text decoration
- Color consistency in underlines
- Correct, although strange, decorative behavior
- How some browsers really behave
- Overcoming the default behavior of underlines
- Different optimizations
- Simple shadows
- Dropping shadows all over
- Honoring the spaces in markup
- Suppressing line wrapping with the white-space property
- Two different ways to handle white space
- Differing tab lengths
- Hyphenation results
- Altering word breaking behavior
- Overflow wrapping
- Writing modes
- Writing modes and “vertical” alignment
- Writing modes and the “cardinal” directions of CSS
- Flipping vertical writing modes
- The placement of UA default margins
- Text orientation