
Chapter 5


  1. Various font families
  2. An h1 element using Georgia
  3. The perils of incorrect quotation marks
  4. Using a downloaded font
  5. Employing a variety of faces
  6. Inherited font-weight
  7. Text trying to be bolder
  8. Moving up the weight scale
  9. Visual weight, with descriptors
  10. Making text lighter
  11. Using declared font-weight faces
  12. Font characters and em squares
  13. Absolute font sizes
  14. Relative font sizing at the edges of the absolute sizes
  15. Throwing percentages into the mix
  16. The issues of inheritance
  17. Fractional font sizes
  18. Monospace size oddities
  19. Monospace size harmony
  20. Various font sizes
  21. Keeping text and graphics in scale with pixel sizes
  22. Comparing Verdana and Times
  23. Adjusting Times
  24. Italic and oblique text in detail
  25. More font styles
  26. Same font, same style, different sizes
  27. Common typographical conventions through CSS
  28. Using declared font-style faces
  29. Stretching font characters
  30. Using declared font-stretch faces
  31. The small-caps value in use
  32. Synthesized versus designed italics
  33. Typical font rules
  34. The necessity of both size and family
  35. Adding line height to the mix
  36. Shorthand changes